Coronavirus COVID-19 Long-Term Care Fact Sheet
Fact sheet related to Coronavirus COVID-19 and our Agency
Release Date: March 4, 2020 | Revision Date: March 19, 2020
• On March 8, 2020, Gov. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency to address the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon.
• The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) serves as the lead agency for the public health response.

OHA COVID-19 Updates: Visit the OHA COVID-19 page for Oregon updates and community resources.

Provider Updates
Stay up-to- date on provider alerts related to Nursing Facilities, Residential Care, Assisted Living, and Memory Care Communities.
Oregon Health Authority
Agency Location
830 D St. NE, Salem OR, 97301
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
800-522-2602 | 503-378-6533 ltco.info@oregon.gov
Oregon Public Guardian
844-656-6774 | 503-378-6848 opg.info@oregon.gov
New guardianship referrals: 971-374-3582
Residential Facilities Ombudsman
844-674-4567 | 503-378-6852 rfo.info@oregon.gov

COVID-19 Cases & Deaths in Long-Term Care Facilities: Complaints from Oregonians – Residents, Staff, Families & Other Concerned Persons
The complaints are taken by our office, referred to other agencies where appropriate, and are written to avoid any identifiable information about residents and families in order to protect confidentiality.
Release Date: March 30, 2021